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COVID-19 UPDATE - 5th January 2021


We remain Open through all Tiers due to being a healthcare service- to protect ourselves and our patients from Covid -19 we will be keeping the small changes to the way the clinic works.


  • Additional PPE for Our practitioners

  • Hand disinfectant for all patients

  • A new air purifier in the clinic room

  • Additional time between appointments for disinfecting the clinic

  • We are asking patients to please bring a mask or face covering to the appointment we have some masks for sale but PPE is scarce


We have been given guidelines by Our college and the Government that we are now permitted to see all patients provided they have no symptoms or been in contact with anyone who has had Covid-19 symptoms.


Before attending clinic all patients will be asked about their health on the day of the appointment.


We will also be offering online consultations and telephone consults if we can help through these media.


To keep to Social distancing rules we will ask you to wait outside the clinic or in your car until we are ready to see you for your appointment, due to the restricted waiting area that we have.


If you have any queries or are in any doubt then please give us a call 07958610031


Please Stay Safe and we hope to see you again soon

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